January 10, 2008

I signed up for PPP!

Want to earn a hefty sum by just sitting on your cushioned couch with systems on your lap? “Not possible” might be the answer bubbling in most of your minds by now. Same was the answer with me until payperpost approved my blog just few minutes before. Very happily I lifted the phone to call my dear friend who is already done with it. He is now earning a good sum and says “ I am addicted to blogging and payperpost drives me”. He says that it gives him a feeling of a professional blogger or a freelancer or whatever.

Well, it takes time for getting approved. Not that all people who blog get their payperpost account approved. One has to fulfill certain conditions like minimum of 20 posts in their blog and completion of three months of time before your PPP account gets approved.
It is a website where you get an opportunity to exhibit your talents in writing.
Earning money with no investment is possible here and they merely consider your talent in writing posts. As far as I heard they pay you promptly once it gets approved through your paypal account.You can lso place your blog ads here.

Its time should improve on my writing so that i can submit best blogs for whatever tasks I am assigned for. Blogging has never been this fun.Thanks to this website and also to my friend who has been the sole inspiration to get me here.


Ravikumar said...

Yo man.. Very much glad to hear that you signed into PPP... Very very happy da. Carry on!

Good beginning! Rock then...

Koushik aarveeve said...

thank u so much for ur best wishes..