January 6, 2008

Be the change...

Greetings to all who are reading this. I hope you’ve all had a good introduction to the new year. Now it is time to start thinking about what we want to do to improve this year so that it is greater than the last. That could be a personal goal or resolution or we could look at our world and do something that will aid it in becoming better for many people rather than just oneself. Gandhi often said that you have to be the change you wish to see in the world. That is very true as nothing ever gets changed by wishing alone. One must become a point of light. Seeing what is wrong is part of the problem but taking action to remedy the wrong is what makes points of light. These points of light exist everywhere in the world and we may know some of them by name like Jane Goodall and the Dalai Lama but many go unnoticed by the masses, though they are none the less important. In truth we all may not be capable of leading large groups of people, touching their lives with our words and deeds and nine out of ten odds says the world will never chant your name, for better or worse. However, that does not mean that the individual is helpless and without purpose. After all, a single drop of rain is capable of raising the sea. We all have purpose and everthing we do or sometimes don’t do, effects the rest of the world, no matter how minutly that may be. Sometimes the smallest acts of kindness can make the biggest difference in the world to someone in need. So I encourage you, good reader, be the change, help heal the world and become a point of light.


Ravikumar said...

Yeah.. Smallest actions of we people could eventually develop the surroundings... Lets "Be The Change".. lets see to it.

Koushik aarveeve said...

hmmn... be the change.....that way v can change d world..