January 12, 2008

AARVEEVE's band……..

Thank you so much for reading all my blog posts.. This post of mine is little or completely different from the existing ones. I have made a very first attempt to write a “music track”... Don’t know whether the phrases and lines are right or wrong. {Pl excuse if it’s wrong}.
Scribbling are apart and they do not necessarily mean the same in my life.
Add your comments to this post…please..

So much to say...
But you fade away like shooting star.
Creating receding waves,
Stopping me from nearing you.

Don’t know if it’s an illusion,
Making you feel and see with repeating temptations.
Is it eternal love? [Chorus: creating receding waves, stopping me from nearing you]
Or just a thing to forget?
Minutes we never spent,
Seconds we never spent.
But heart beats every moment. [Chorus: so much…..]

Those blushes
And void moments,
Make me your person.
Having an everlasting love for you… [Chorus: don’t know….]

A day would come
When we walk together
Clasping hands…
Shining bright as the shimmering sheet
of gold, like the sun during its rise. [Chorus: so much….]


Ravikumar said...

It rockz man! Became a poet ah? Lolz... Good poem. Keep writing more..

One day you will become John Keats or William Shakespeare... :)

Koushik aarveeve said...

thanx 4 ur compliments..
thats good start ila..newz..thanx.

Ravikumar said...

yes da

sourav said...

very nice poem......i loved tht line minutes we never spend,second ....but the heart beats every moment

keep it up man

yr blog portraits the simplicity i liked it :)